aptera.solar Event Samstag 4. Mai // Saturday May 4th, 2024

    • Official Post


    => for the Englisch version, please see below.



    Letztes Update: 2024-05-02, 13:00

    Hallo an alle Aptera Fans, Investoren und künftige Eigentümer,

    aptera.solar als "The European Home for Aptera" möchte alle zusammen bringen, die an allen Themen rund um Aptera interessiert sind, eine Reservierung haben - oder noch darüber nachdenken -, Investoren sind und es kaum erwarten können, ihn in Europa zu fahren.

    Du bist eingeladen, am Samstag, den 4. Mai 2024 zu unserem ersten vor-Ort Event nach Fulda zu kommen. Du kannst dort uns und andere Fans kennenlernen, mit ihnen diskutieren und sicher einige Neuigkeiten hören.

    Die Adresse: Am Ried 7, 36041 Fulda, https://maps.app.goo.gl/cTaiFqGcRRNCHVap6

    Du kannst nicht nach Fulda kommen? Dann nimm doch an einer unserer beiden Videokonferenzen teil. Es wird eine in Deutsch und eine in Englisch geben.

    Um dich zu registrieren (hilft uns bei der Planung, Danke), nutze bitte folgenden Link: https://forms.gle/8hYACoDLonrLtTeT9

    Solltest du Schwierigkeiten bei der Reservierung haben, schreibe an events@aptera.solar

    Die Uhrzeiten für Samstag, 4. Mai 2024:

    Agenda der Online Session:

    1. Wer ist aptera.solar und was sind unsere Ziele?
    2. An was arbeiten wir zur Zeit?
    3. Special Guests (Neu: 3 verschiedene DE/EN kombiniert)
      • voylt (DE/EN)
      • Elaphe (EN)
      • Aptera Motors (EN)
    4. Neu: Überraschung "zum Anfassen"
    5. Offene Diskussion basierend auf Euren Fragen hier im Forum
    6. Gruppenfoto (Video und vor Ort)

    Sprachen, die vor Ort in Fulda gesprochen werden: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Niederländisch, Spanisch, Griechisch, Slowenisch, Kroatisch

    Nun sind wir sicher: in Fulda vor Ort wird es etwas "zum Anfassen" geben, das in der produktiven Version des Aptera bis zu drei Mal eingebaut sein wird.

    Wir freuen uns auf euch alle!

    Euer aptera.solar Kernteam

    Datenschutz: wir verwenden die mit uns geteilten Daten ausschließlich zum Zwecke der Organisation unserer eigenen Events und zur Kommunikation der Mitglieder untereinander. Der Online-Termin wird nicht aufgezeichnet, jedoch werden nach Ankündigung am Ende des Termins Screenshots des Videocalls und Fotos mit den Personen vor Ort gemacht. Denke also bitte daran, deinen Displaynamen in Zoom bewusst zu wählen. Danke Euch.


    Last update: 2024-05-02, 13:00

    Hello to all Aptera fans, investors and reservation holders,

    aptera.solar as "The European Home for Aptera" wants to unite all who are interested in all things Aptera, hold a reservation - or are thinking of reserving one -, are investors and cannot wait to drive it in Europe.

    You're invited to join us for the first on-site event on Saturday, May 4, 2024 in Fulda, Germany. It's your chance to get to know each other, discuss all things Aptera and probably hear some news.

    The address: Am Ried 7, 36041 Fulda, https://maps.app.goo.gl/cTaiFqGcRRNCHVap6

    In case you can't make it personally to Fulda, why don't you join us in one of our two video conferences. One will be held in German and one in English.

    For registration (helps us planning, thanks), please use the following link: https://forms.gle/8hYACoDLonrLtTeT9

    In case of difficulties registering, please email us at events@aptera.solar

    The timing for Saturday May 4th, 2024 (all CET)

    Agenda of the online meetings:

    1. Who are aptera.solar and what are our goals?
    2. What are we working on currently?
    3. Special Guests (New: 3 different across DE/EN sessions)
      • voylt (DE/EN)
      • Elaphe (EN)
      • Aptera Motors (EN)
    1. A surprise you can touch
    2. Moderated discussion based on your questions here in the forum
    3. Group photo (video participants combined with on-site people)

    Languages spoken onsite in Fulda: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Greek, Slovenian, Croatian

    Now we are sure: on-site in Fulda there will be a surprise you can touch and that will be in the productive Aptera up to three times.

    We are looking forward to meeting you all!

    Your aptera.solar Core Team

    Data Privacy: data you share with us will only be used for organizing our own events and for communication between our members. The online videocall will not be recorded, but we will announce at the end of each videocall when we will take some screenshots and shoot some photos with on-site people. Please considers this when choosing your Zoom display name. Thank you.

    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.

    • Official Post


    Wir werden hier einige Fragen beantworten, die während der Anmeldung gestellt wurden:

    • Die genauen Uhrzeiten für das Treffen vor Ort und die beiden Online Sessions findet ihr nun oben
    • Wir werden etwas zum Anfassen als Überraschung in Fulda habe, das bis zu 3 Mal im produktiven Aptera verbaut sein wird
    • Haustiere dürfen gerne nach Fulda mitgebracht werden
    • Wir denken aktuell nicht, einen Aptera Production Intent vor Ort zu haben
      (BinC ist in Kalifornien, PI.02 wird erst gebaut, Gamma ist in Abu Dhabi)
    • Update: jemand von Aptera Motors wird in der Online Session dabei sein
    • Journalisten sind willkommen. In Fulda werden wir uns persönlich Zeit für euch nehmen. In den Online Meetings geht das leider nicht. Gerne einen gesonderten Termin bei uns anfragen über events@aptera.solar

    Wir würden gerne von DIR wissen, wenn DU ...

    • Erfahrung hast oder jemanden kennst, der Erfahrung mit der Homologation von KfZ hat.
    • an einer Universität / Technischen Hochschule arbeitest, die Projekte mit Autos oder Leichtautos machen.
    • Erfahrung hast oder jemanden kennst, der Erfahrung im Navigieren des regulatorischen Dschungels hat.

    Sag uns in den Kommentaren unten, was du gerne in den Online Sessions diskutieren möchtest und welche Themen du gerne vor Ort besprechen möchtest.

    Danke dir, dein aptera.solar Kernteam


    We will be answering some questions raised during registration for our event:

    • Exact times of the physical meeting and the two online events are available above
    • We will have something to touch in Fulda on-site, that will be in the productive Aptera up to three times
    • Pets are welcome in Fulda
    • We are currently not expecting to have an Aptera Production Intent onsite
      (BinC is in California, PI.02 is being build, Gamma is in Abu Dhabi)
    • Update: somebody from Aptera Motors will be present in the online session
    • Journalists are welcome. In Fulda we will be available for you personally. During the online session unfortunately that's not possible. Feel free to reach out to us at events@aptera.solar

    We would like to know from YOU, if you

    • have experience or a network of people with experience in homologation topics
    • are working at / with a University / Technische Hochschule that does projects with cars
    • have experience or a network of people with experience in navigating the regulatory jungle

    Also, let us know in the comments below what you would like to be discussed in the online events and what agenda you would like onsite in Fulda.

    Thanks, your aptera.solar core team

    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.


    As we are meeting at our company premises, there are 10 private and 2 public EV chargers. Of course the litte zip for our EVs will be free of charge (on the 10 own chargers).

    We build the 10 own chargers in spring of 2022. Here's some impression about their construction: Kurzvideo über den Bau


    Da wir uns auf unserem Firmengelände treffen, haben wir für alle, die mit einem E-Auto anreisen 10 eigene und 2 öffentliche Ladepunkte.

    Die eigenen Ladepunkte haben wir im Frühjahr 2022 gebaut. Sind also fertig ;)

    Kurzvideo über den Bau

    Wir freuen uns, Eure Fahrzeuge mit Solarstrom zu versorgen. Der Snack für die Fahrzeuge ist natürlich gratis ....

    Die meisten Probleme entstehen bei ihrer Lösung.

    Leonardo da Vinci


    Most problems arise when (as a language-loving-German I would say) while they are solved.

    Leonardo da Vinci


    Aptera: Launch Edition (damit es voran geht)

  • Thank you for organising the event and thanks again for setting this whole Apter.solar thing up. :) I hope the numbers of participants grows.

    I found valuable information recently from your journey to Paris, the most recent interview series from AOC (part one) and a kind of extended factory tour with "KardiaMobile" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvma9paBrh8 - I know we heard most of it before but Chris Anthony elaborates here and there more specific about funding, tooling, bottlenecks, Apple CarPlay etc. … . Recommend.

    So I think it's safe to say we will NOT see a PI build Aptera in Fulda in May as tools for the frame or interior have not been made yet. Steve Frambo expects such a mocked up PI build in the timeframe June / July at the earliest - and that sounded rather optimistic to my ears.

    But still: thoses infos and sleek body parts in Paris kind of encourage me and made me think of what I would ask Chris if he or a representative would attend the Fulda event.

    As I still believe that the Aptera was designed from a more Californian perspective and as I live in Hamburg city; I would ask or discuss European focussed practical questions:

    • Lane or parallel parking: considering Apteras geometry and low ground clearance of its external and long wheel pods - how short can a parallel parking spot be to navigate safe in parking position without touching the sidewalk? And how close can I get?

    Update: there have been a video from Aptera covering this topic on

    External Content www.youtube.com
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    • Driving on an unlit country road: will the wheel pods be visible for approaching traffic? As the US version Aptera is classified as motorcycle with a centered headlight would it be beneficial or a EU requirement having positioning lights on the wheel pods for better visibility?

    • Imagining a tour over the alps in winter - maybe when collecting an Aptera in Modena - could we? How would the Aptera cope with that journey, gradients and power consumption of traditional HVAC?

    • Entering the flatbed for camping: do we really need to carry a step ladder and climb into the hatch; would it be comfy enough to enter through front doors? My dog certainly would be capable and prefer doing that.

    • Then, what I think what could help with adoption of the Aptera in general is to change the wording from solar powered car to "Ultra Efficient Vehicle - UEV". When I first saw Aptera- it must have been electrec website - I thought it was another stripped down car project for the Australian solar race but not a regular car. Stressing the efficiency by using the term UEV or UEEV would lead to a better conception. From a google search I find UEV is currently rarely used for "Universal Electric Vehicle".


    Danke dir Titus für deine Unterstützung. Wir arbeiten weiter mit ihnen zusammen und machen aktuell gute Fortschritte. Mal sehen, was der Stand der PI Fahrzeuge Ende April sein wird. Wir werden euch auf dem Laufenden halten, sobald verlässliche Informationen vorliegen.

    Danke auch für deine Fragen. Wir sammeln sie und werden sie bei nächster sich bietender Gelegenheit im Interview an sie richten und sicher genauso solide Antworten bekommen wie in Paris.


    Thanks Titus for your encouragement. We are pushing forward and making good progress. Let's see what the status will be End of April regarding PI other parts. We'll let everybody know once we have reliable information.

    Thanks also for your questions, we'll keep collecting them and next time we'll interview them, hopefully get some great answers as in Paris.

    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.

  • Congratulations for your good jobs and efforts in putting together a Euro-centric Aptera Group and site. I would want to address two issues:

    1). Is it possible for all European Accelerators to form an Aptera subgroup which will have the aim of organising a joint importation of our Apterae to the EU once they are produced? This would be include taking all the necessary steps to secure exemptions from all homologation requirements where such exemptions are are permitted by the law.

    2). I would suggest that all European Aptera investors, reservation holders, and fans, make an official request to Aptera Motors to arrange an organised tour of CPC for us to see first hand the Aptera PI build once it is completed, before it is shipped to the US.

    Thanking you all for your attention.

  • e-economy

    Changed the title of the thread from “aptera.solar Event Mai 4, 2024” to “aptera.solar Event Samstag 4. Mai // Saturday May 4th, 2024”.
  • Hi dimchild,

    thank you for your support and encouragement. Here is what we discussed and decided based on your feedback:

    Ambassador Group:

    yes we will create such a group exclusively for Aptera Ambassadors to discuss all related matters. To all Ambassadors: if you want to join that group, please send proof of your Ambassador status (e.g. email from Aptera Motors) to info@aptera.solar

    Accelerator Group

    dimchild sorry for missing this ... We'll give Feedback latest by end of next week (cw14).

    Tour of CPC

    CPC as a company manufactures parts for many well known brands as a 1st or 2nd tier manufacturer. Not all of these supplier relationships should be known publicly - that's the nature of supply chains. At this point in time the chances to get a tour through their facilities is rather low. We are pretty sure that a mass mailing would rather hurt our relations with them. So please let us coordinate our approach and see what is possible - e.g. in the Ambassador Group in our forum.

    Thanks for your continued support, your aptera.solar core team

    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.

  • Ambassador Group

    The first bullet of my post referred to creating an Accelerators subgroup, not an Ambassadors subgroup as captioned above. I am not sure if that was what you meant to say. I am assuming that was what you wanted to say. In any case, the idea of forming forming an Aptera Ambassador's European subgroup really sounds great to me if such a group doesn't exist yet. I would be glad to play a leading role in such a group if there is need. That will certainly be a good place to discuss issues of all kinds especially since the Ambassadors have a somewhat more direct access to the Aptera management.

    Tour of CPC

    I am not sure I understood what you meant by that "mass mailing Aptera asking for a tour of CPC would rather hurt our relations with them." Why would such a move hurt? Of course I didn't say mass mailing them, as in all of us sending individual mails, but our sending them an official mail on behalf of the group petitioning them politely for such a visit. If, for whatever reasons, such a visit is not advisable, they can just reject it as politely as we requested it. No qualms, no harm! Why should such a request hurt our relationship with them?

    As regards CPC's confidentiality problem, of course we are aware of that. By the way, we will not be making a tour of their facility, but strictly of Aptera BinC. We can sign any non-disclosure agreement they want. Even Aptera themselves may require such an agreement from us since they too may have things they mightn't want us to disclose to the public. So, I believe we can still discuss this issue. I am even planning to request such a visit as an individual from Aptera since I am only a hop across the Adriatic sea to Modena, Italy, from Patras, Greece, where I reside. But I feel that asking as an official group gives us greater chance of success. Anyway, thank you for your detailed reply.

    Looking forward to more deliberations on these and other issues.

  • Tour of CPC


    . So, I believe we can still discourse this issue. I am even planning to request such a visit as an individual from Aptera since I am only a hop across the Adriatic sea to Modena, Italy, from Patras, Greece, where I reside. But I feel that asking as an official group gives us greater chance of success. Anyway, thank for your detailed reply.

    Looking forward to more deliberations on these and other issues.

    We know that a few, including YT channels, have already asked CPC for a communication and / or visit. To our knowledge all without success.

    Your point of asking CPC politely as a group is great. We will pick that up and keep you postet here, latest at our May event.

    Best, e-economy

    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.

  • Ich wünsche mir noch folgende Punkte die sicher noch diskutiert werden müssen.

    • Vereinfachung der Homologation beziehungsweise der Zulassung von Erstfahrzeugen Launch Edition, zeitlich und kosten dezimierend auf einen Zehntel. Das muss/darf Nicht sein das der Amtsschimmel absichtlich diese Kosten so hoch treibt, das ist auf keinesfalls förderlich, ehr im Gegenteil, ich wünsche mir das man auch für die Lounch Edition eine vereinfachte Zulassung in gesamt Europa bekommt.
    • wie zeigt Aptera von aussen das ich noch am Laden bin, ich habe noch 10/15 Minuten zum Laden bis 80/100%? Damit der nächste sehen kann wann die Ladestationen frei wird?
    • Ich könnte mir ein grünes lichtband vorne vorstellen ähnlich dem Rivian. Modellen.

    I would like to see the following points, which will certainly still need to be discussed.

    - Simplification of homologation or registration of first vehicles Launch Edition, reducing time and costs by a tenth. It must not be the case that the bureaucracy deliberately drives up these costs, that is not helpful at all, quite the opposite, I would like to see simplified registration for the Launch Edition throughout Europe.

    - How does Aptera show from the outside that I am still charging, for example, I still have 10/15 minutes to charge to 80/100%? So that the next person can see when the charging station is free?

    - I could imagine a green light strip at the front, similar to the Rivian models.

  • Ich wünsche mir noch folgende Punkte die sicher noch diskutiert werden müssen.

    • Vereinfachung der Homologation beziehungsweise der Zulassung von Erstfahrzeugen Launch Edition, zeitlich und kosten dezimierend auf einen Zehntel. Das muss/darf Nicht sein das der Amtsschimmel absichtlich diese Kosten so hoch treibt, das ist auf keinesfalls förderlich, ehr im Gegenteil, ich wünsche mir das man auch für die Lounch Edition eine vereinfachte Zulassung in gesamt Europa bekommt.
    • wie zeigt Aptera von aussen das ich noch am Laden bin, ich habe noch 10/15 Minuten zum Laden bis 80/100%? Damit der nächste sehen kann wann die Ladestationen frei wird?
    • Ich könnte mir ein grünes lichtband vorne vorstellen ähnlich dem Rivian. Modellen.

    I would like to see the following points, which will certainly still need to be discussed.

    - Simplification of homologation or registration of first vehicles Launch Edition, reducing time and costs by a tenth. It must not be the case that the bureaucracy deliberately drives up these costs, that is not helpful at all, quite the opposite, I would like to see simplified registration for the Launch Edition throughout Europe.

    - How does Aptera show from the outside that I am still charging, for example, I still have 10/15 minutes to charge to 80/100%? So that the next person can see when the charging station is free?

    - I could imagine a green light strip at the front, similar to the Rivian models.


    "How does Aptera show from the outside that I am still charging, for example, I still have 10/15 minutes to charge to 80/100%? So that the next person can see when the charging station is free?"

    I think it has been suggested that the Go Glow Aptera badge by the side pillars could serve that role.

  • Hello ALL!

    Is there anything new on the May 4th meeting in Fulda, like details of the meetings, agenda, time, attendees, etc.? Are there arrangements for guests coming from all over Europe, like lodging (affordable hotels for those of us who have to sleep over before departure), feeding, etc. I personally will be driving over from Greece and would want some help in lodging arrangements for two nights. Thanks.

  • Hi dimchild, the first entry of this thread had been amended. In case you missed that, it now states:

    The timing for Saturday May 4th, 2024 (all CET)

    • From 1 pm in Fulda, on-site
    • 3 pm online meeting in German
    • 5 pm online meeting in English

    About a month ago I received a registration link, made on google forms – I hope it is still active. If so, maybe one of the admins should add the registration link to this thread. It included questions of number of participants and meal preferences.

    Regarding lodging, I personally found an Airbnb close by. The event is 10 minutes drive from the city centre of Fulda.

  • Hi dimchild, the first entry of this thread had been amended. In case you missed that, it now states:

    Yes, I am duly registered for the event and have completed all necessary requirements. My problem is mainly accommodation and feeding. How much is the Airbnb you found? Is there further accommodation there that I can use? Thanks for your response.


    Hallo an Alle,

    die Agenda der Online Session wurde oben im ersten angepinten Beitrag ergänzt. In Kürze wird ein Flyer (pdf) mit allen Informationen veröffentlicht, den ihr ausdrucken könnt.

    Lasst uns eure Fragen wissen, die Ihr in der Online Session diskutieren möchtet.

    Danke und bis bald, euer aptera.solar Kernteam


    Hi All,

    the agenda for the online sessions has been defined and updated in the first post of this thread. Soon we will publish a flyer (pdf) with all infos which you may print out.

    Let us know the questions you would like to discuss during the online meetings.

    Thanks and until soon, your aptera.solar Core Team

    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.

  • Hello ALL!

    Is there anything new on the May 4th meeting in Fulda, like details of the meetings, agenda, time, attendees, etc.? Are there arrangements for guests coming from all over Europe, like lodging (affordable hotels for those of us who have to sleep over before departure), feeding, etc. I personally will be driving over from Greece and would want some help in lodging arrangements for two nights. Thanks.

    I personally will arrive on Friday around noon and leave Sunday afternoon.

    The hotel I am staying is here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EoiLdpEsJphqu9AV7 (Hotel Schlosstheater).

    Jo also recommended https://maps.app.goo.gl/BCHrZKdcoptm6BJe8 (Brauhaus Wiesenmühle - with own brewery)

    Please be aware that there is a running / racing event in Fulda that particular weekend.

    We will have some food at the event and depending on when you arrive / leave we will probably go to a restaurant nearby or downtown Fulda.

    Hope that helps,


    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.

  • Where is the thread where you have the updated information of the meeting? I couldn't find it. If you are referring to the one you had several months ago, I have seen that one.

  • The timing for Saturday May 4th, 2024 (all CET)

    • From 1 pm in Fulda, on-site
    • 3 pm online meeting in German (60-90 mins)
    • 5 pm online meeting in English (60-90 mins)

    Agenda of the online meetings:

    1. Who are aptera.solar and what are our goals?
    2. What are we working on currently?
    3. Special Guest (surprise)
    4. Moderated discussion based on your questions here in the forum
    5. Group photo (video participants combined with on-site people)

    Languages spoken onsite in Fulda (as of 30 March 2024): English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Greek, Slovenian, Croatian

    This one alllll the way at the top here. :)

    I also updated the second post here with some answers to questions some raised during registration. As more are registering, we will keep updating the first two "official" posts.

    Aptera enthusiast, investor and reservation holder. Member of the aptera.solar core team. EV driver since 2016 with 200.000+ km. Wants to bring the Aptera to Europe as soon as possible.

Participate now!

Don’t have an account yet? Register yourself now and be a part of our community!

Wer ein Fahrzeug besitzt, der möchte damit nicht nur von A nach B fahren, sondern auch die Welt entdecken.
Gemeinsam mit Freunden oder Gleichgesinnten macht das Erkunden von neuen Orten noch mehr Spaß. Doch wer umweltbewusst unterwegs sein möchte, hat oft das Problem, dass herkömmliche Fahrzeuge nicht emissionsfrei sind und somit die Natur belasten.

Doch dafür gibt es eine Lösung: Aptera!
Aptera ist ein umweltfreundliches Fahrzeug, das leise und emissionsfrei durch die Landschaft rollt. Ob in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Österreich, den Niederlanden, Belgien oder Frankreich – mit Aptera können Sie die Welt auf umweltfreundliche Weise erkunden. Ein kleine Korso aus Apteras wäre nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern auch ein echter Hingucker.

Auch abends würde so eine Ausfahrt mit Apteras gemütlich. Bei geselligem Zusammensein und apterianischen Fachgesprächen würde der Tag ausklingen. Mit ihrem Aptera und Gleichgesinnten wird das Reisen zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis.

Entdecken Sie jetzt die Welt auf umweltfreundliche Weise mit Aptera. Und finden Sie in der Community Menschen, welche die gleiche Begeisterung in sich tragen wie Sie!

Registrieren Sie sich noch heute in unserer Community Aptera in Europa: aptera.solar