03/24 Update: Reserve your Aptera now! Urgent! Why?

  • Dear Apterians,

    for those of you who are undecided, here's a thought for the current situation.

    Firstly, for those of you who have not yet noticed, online reservations are, as usual with Tesla, non-binding until shortly before production! Changes to equipment, including changing the battery size, can also be made later on your Aptera reservation page at any time.

    The most important thing at the moment, however, is that you can secure your Aptera before the big rush and without any risk.

    You can even accelerate your Aptera delivery date, for example by choosing LE later or stretching it (e.g. LR), depending on your preferences and your financial possibilities. So there is no reason to postpone your reservation anymore.

    Why I state it so forcefully in the headline, besides the many good reasons for Aptera itself, and what you can read here in the forum, is due to very current events and important times:

    We are getting to the point where the financing will soon be finalized. Aptera Motors is doing its roadshow with the Gamma demonstrator and will now promote it massively. We are close to the point where the start of production will be communicated to the public in a much more authoritative way.

    When that happens, I think there will be a lot of demand for it in America, and a lot more from Europe with the announcement of the EU homologation,

    This announcement of the AOC

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    shows us Europeans the US perspective and allows us to somewhat predict the reaction of the US market. Just as an example, at some point the secured information will boost the fleet business of rental car providers, and with the announced production launch, a massive wave of reservations from these companies alone is likely. Just like that! Think about what vehicle you would rent in the US if you had business appointments to attend. It could be tens of thousands of orders from one day to the next, not just 100 as has already happened.

    If you reserve after such a rush, you may have to wait much, much longer for your Aptera.

    Keep in mind that the biggest challenge for Aptera-Motors after starting production in CA is to build new plants (which all EU citizens should be advocating for) and ramp up production to serve the markets.

    If a very large lessor then strikes big before then, it's hard to imagine what that could mean for private buyers. But even if these large allocations don't take full precedence, it's worth remembering that Aptera has to do business and will therefore have to make concessions.

    I can only remind everyone to keep all this in mind if they have been flirting with Aptera in any way.

    December update:

    Based on the recent Aptera announcements, I might reiterate what I said above!

    So if you know anyone who is undecided and wants to get a vehicle by 2027, they should at least think about it this year, because I believe that with the official announcements about the first finished PI vehicles and their successful validation, all predictions will come true.

    Furthermore, a second end line, whether at CPS or elsewhere, could be pushed even further into the future due to Aptera's decision to "start production now", and the production rate that has always been rumored may not come in quite as expected.

    46,000 reservations to date, with an initial production rate in Calsbad CA of about 40 vehicles per day = 14,600 in the first year of full 365-day production. So far only the intention to increase 3-5 fold over the next three years, although CPS was not yet envisioned or planned as an EU site in Italy.

    You can do the math: it will take at least 2026 before only the orders placed so far can actually be processed.

    If demand surges at around the beginning of 2025, and this is certain to happen, perhaps also due to fleet orders, then more systems will first have to be built in order to keep pace with the orders. Without the major investor behind us! I.e. just from our own juice and cash flow, this could mean that anyone who doesn't order their Aptera until mid-2025 may have to wait until 2029 before it can actually be produced.

    That would cause a lot of dissatisfaction, but at this point a secondary issue and the question will be how quickly the new plants (production end lines) can be built and pre-financed. Do CPC and Elaphe also have our EU community ready in this case? Keep in mind and think for yourself what can happen to you if you reserve too late?

    Greetings Andre

    Nach der CES geht es wohl endlich richtig los! Elektronik Consumer Messe, deshalb werden E-Autos auch SDV (software defined vehicles) genannt (etwas, was deutschen Autobauer total unterschätzt haben), und warum der Aptera genau da am besten mit seiner ersten Präsentation aufgehoben ist.

    Edited 2 times, last by speedturtle: Dec-Update ().

  • speedturtle

    Changed the title of the thread from “Reserve your Aptera now! Urgent! Why?” to “Nov.-Update: Reserve your Aptera now! Urgent! Why?”.
  • Looking at accelerator leader board, there are still over 500 slots left. I also see there are currently 10 investments from DE.

    I'd prefer to wait for 1000mi edition but with the current timelines I'm not sure if my current 18 year old car will survive till then. So I'm also considering throwing $10k into the accelerator pot to get my Aptera early.

    Now ... do we know these 10 guys from DE? Is there a way to get together and share the transportation from California, import and homologation here? If yes, then I'll go for launch edition, otherwise I'll wait.

  • Well, In thought that is the reason why we are members of this site :) to collaborate and tackle homogenisation. Right now Apteras priority is a successful launch in the US. I hope after that things might clear up concerning EU import or CPC production for Europe. Wish I had those answers myself, quite sure even the CEOs do not know how to handle EU import yet. But if you want a list of German accelerators count me in.

    Apart from „Unterfahrschutz” we even do not know how to get legal small numberplates for EU. I image importing Launch Edition and than wont be allowed to drive it.

  • Update 03/24:

    I could repeat what has been said before!

    When we finish our Aptera.Solar May event, it will be clearer what we need to do to get Aptera into homologation so that the goal is outlined with the first timeline for Europe.

    This will also be the starting point for new US investors to take a stake in one of the most valuable car manufacturers of the future. And why? Because this manufacturer has a vital community that is driving the thinking.

    The ultimate effect will be exactly what this thread is about.

    Nach der CES geht es wohl endlich richtig los! Elektronik Consumer Messe, deshalb werden E-Autos auch SDV (software defined vehicles) genannt (etwas, was deutschen Autobauer total unterschätzt haben), und warum der Aptera genau da am besten mit seiner ersten Präsentation aufgehoben ist.

  • speedturtle

    Changed the title of the thread from “Nov.-Update: Reserve your Aptera now! Urgent! Why?” to “03/24 Update: Reserve your Aptera now! Urgent! Why?”.
  • Looking at accelerator leader board, there are still over 500 slots left. I also see there are currently 10 investments from DE.

    I'd prefer to wait for 1000mi edition but with the current timelines I'm not sure if my current 18 year old car will survive till then. So I'm also considering throwing $10k into the accelerator pot to get my Aptera early.

    Now ... do we know these 10 guys from DE? Is there a way to get together and share the transportation from California, import and homologation here? If yes, then I'll go for launch edition, otherwise I'll wait.

    Hello j.pecar

    Just saw your post. I hope you finally made it into the Accelerator Program (AP) before it closed. I have also recently made the same suggestion as you made about our bunching together and importing our LE Apterae to the EU as a group. I hope this prospect is seriously discussed in the up coming May 4th get together. I am in Greece.

  • Wenn man sich die Accelerator-Rangliste ansieht, sind noch über 500 Plätze frei. Ich sehe auch, dass es derzeit 10 Investitionen aus DE gibt.

    Ich würde lieber auf die 1000-Meilen-Ausgabe warten, aber mit den aktuellen Zeitplänen bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob mein aktuelles 18 Jahre altes Auto bis dahin überleben wird. Deshalb denke ich auch darüber nach, 10.000 $ in den Accelerator-Topf zu werfen, um meinen Aptera früher zu bekommen.

    Nun ... kennen wir diese 10 Jungs aus DE? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, zusammenzukommen und den Transport aus Kalifornien, den Import und die Homologation hier zu teilen? Wenn ja, dann werde ich mich für die Launch Edition entscheiden, andernfalls warte ich.

    Hallo j.pecar,

    ich selbst bin auch jemand, der für Deutschland ein Exemplar reserviert hat. Mich würde schon interessieren, das zu beschleunigen. Ich kenne mich aber mit Transport ,Kosten ,und Deutsche Einzel- zulassung definitiv nicht aus, würde aber, wenn das Jemand kompetent zu überschaubaren Kosten für eine geringe Menge an Fahrzeugen durchführen kann, die Idee unterstützen und mich an den Kosten beteiligen. Daher wäre ich auch in Sachen Ausstattung usw. offen! Es läge dann an uns das zu organisieren.

  • Hallo Solaris,

    es war ein englischer Beitrag, j.pecar hat es auch auf beide Arten gemacht. Magst du deinen Kommentar bitte noch übersetzen?


    Please translate, it was an english tread, j.pecar did it also in both ways. See my comments in here! DeepL recommended!

    Hello, do a survey to see how many Apteras there will be for which EU country and then we'll decide.

    Hi Merlin,

    no data before getting back queries. Here the query to get your desired answer! Please take part before!

    Oder stelle deine Fragen im Deutschen in einem eigenen Beitrag. Vielleicht dann auch einfacher von anderen zu beantworten, nicht immer werde ich steuernd eingreifen können und lösche ggf. nur noch!

    Die Kommentare/Zusatzfragen/Eingaben müssen für eine gute Übersicht zum Titels einigermaßen passen, meinste nicht auch?

    Nach der CES geht es wohl endlich richtig los! Elektronik Consumer Messe, deshalb werden E-Autos auch SDV (software defined vehicles) genannt (etwas, was deutschen Autobauer total unterschätzt haben), und warum der Aptera genau da am besten mit seiner ersten Präsentation aufgehoben ist.

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